-Rev. Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
-Rev. Brenda Seefeldt Amodea
Brenda loves teenagers. She has served 35 years as a youth pastor (25 years in one church!) and continues to do so. Brenda is a storyteller that speaks to the hearts of teens, especially about the pain they carry. She has loads of experience in different ministry settings and she will always lead your teens to the healing hope that is found in the Bible.
With 35 years of youth ministry experience, Brenda has a lot to share about how to do effective youth ministry. It all comes from her personal experiences of learning how to guide teens into a faith that moves into adulthood. She shared this learning process at www.wildfrontier.org and is available to talk real with you.
Because Brenda has walked with so many teens into adulthood, she has coached many into marriage. Brenda has a lot to share about dating, boundaries, standards, and how to find that love for a lifetime. She shares the basics of these thoughts in the blog Brave Dating Coach.
Brenda is a woman and a speaker—and has long been committed to live her life vulnerably. She has stories to share—with biblical insight—that speak more “with” you instead of “at” you. This makes a difference when your vulnerability is being challenged. Brenda is a different kind of women’s speaker.
With so much church experience, Brenda is comfortable teaching in nearly every setting. You will find her a delight to work with and someone you will trust to teach your church family.
With so much church experience, Brenda is comfortable teaching in nearly every setting. You will find her a delight to work with and someone you will trust to teach your church family.
Brenda is a gifted communicator who has a heart for teenagers. Her primary topics are pain and suffering in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These may seem like a glumly topic but it always hits home to her audience. Many youth come through our camp with great burdens that they struggle to deal with in a mature/healthy way. Brenda encourages her audience to live a brave life and revisit many past scars/wounds so that the healing process may begin as they find that their greatest hope is in the life of Jesus. Brenda is a woman who speaks Biblical truth and will believe in your students as young men and women who bear the image of God who will go forth into their communities and share the hope they have in Christ.
Zach, Program Director, Christian Retreat Center
“You have had a significant influence on how I view brokenness, forgiveness, and the role God plays through all of that through a very difficult time in my life. Since that year at CRC, I have taken significant steps to getting bitterness out of my heart… You have had a significant impact on my life. I really do not think I would be the woman I am today if it were not for the lessons you taught me. You are a strong instrument of God and his word.”
Sara, former camp counselor and now inner-city missionary
"I really need to thank you. Your messages every year are amazing. They are so inspiring. They always make me feel better. Last year before I left you said, 'I love you too. You are going to do amazing things. You are a beautiful young lady.' You proceeded to give me a big squeeze. I have those words written and hanging on my wall. It is an inspiration every day. It's the first thing I see when I wake up. I want to thank you for that. I felt so bad about myself last year. Those words make me feel and know I am worth something. I don't know how to ever repay you for that. I finally feel worthy of love. And I finally feel accepted."
15-year old teen girl
God’s love is the only thing that covers up the pain and everything we’ve gone through. Thanks for talking to us. At first I was scared to be here but I heard you speak and I’ve learned sooooo much. Thanks for everything. Now I know that I shouldn’t hide my feelings. I should let God cry with me.
13-year old teen girl
"I want to thank you again for coming out last night and sharing your heart and story. Not only did you talk about being brave but you modeled bravery in such a way that those present can never look at our journeys the same. I also want to express a personal thought about last night. Most of the stories people share are safe because they know how the story ended. Just as you promised your story is current, fresh and raw trusting Jesus for an end.”
Margaret, Centreville Baptist Church
Christ Church women’s ministry was fortunate to have Pastor Brenda speak to us at one of our monthly Love Life Lunches. During the 30 minutes or so she shared her message with us, I sat there thinking she is talking to me. The quietness and hush over the room makes me think each of us felt that way.She was brave enough to let us hear her raw vulnerability as a woman; as a mom. She too thought she was not enough. She too felt that all too familiar thought of not being enough of what we think we should be, especially to those we love and care for….not enough of being that loving encouraging mom or wife or friend … of not being enough as a Christian women to be what WE think God wants us to be.Yet she lifted us up with a trumpeting reminder that we ARE enough because Christ our Lord told us we were so many years ago in the gentle, quietness of our loving mother’s womb – just as He did for our children. What a precious gift He is to us all!She woke me up with the message that although I may not be enough for this world, it does not matter because I am more than enough because of Christ. I belong to Him and that is always more than enough!I encourage you to ask Pastor Brenda to speak at one of your events. Her insight and wisdom from walking through the messiness of life as a youth pastor, mom, wife, author, speaker, trainer will leave a victorious and real impact with you!
Carol Liles, Christ Church, Fairfax Station, VA